Pain FREE February
Recently, I had to gather facts around our use of medication to suppress pain. I found some surprising statistics – 7 billion Paracetamol, 4 billion [...]
Recently, I had to gather facts around our use of medication to suppress pain. I found some surprising statistics – 7 billion Paracetamol, 4 billion [...]
It's 2020! Seems no time since we were at 2000; for me those 20 years went in a flash. Still, the New Year always brings [...]
December has arrived and the festive season is upon us, a time of celebration and joy. Well that is the ideal; often it is mirrored [...]
November is a time when we think about those who have passed and reflect on who they were for us. Their passing may have had [...]
Awaiting the contented little baby! So its taken me a while to think exactly what to write about pregnancy and contented babies, [...]
With less than 4 weeks to go before my daughter walks up the aisle, I have paused to check in with what it actually feels [...]
Really nothing like the ocean! Holidays are great - they should be about enjoyment, having a complete rest, getting out of routine [...]
Being bullied can be one of the most traumatic experiences anyone, but especially a young person can go through, it can stay with them for [...]
Our health and well-being is so vitally important to every aspect of our life. Family, work, relationships, our ability to manage stress, our ability to [...]
Is it necessary to suffer with pain? We don’t think so, at Pain Relief Therapy, but what we also advocate is that if there is an [...]