December has arrived and the festive season is upon us, a time of celebration and joy. Well that is the ideal; often it is mirrored with indecision, financial burden and a feeling of tension.
To make sure it doesn’t end up in that place this year have a good look at what YOU and your family want for Christmas. There are a few easy questions to ask yourself – What can I afford? What would be best for the children/family or those involved? Early planning is always a good option; a client of mine always starts planning the logistics of Christmas in October!
We often buy because of the “hype” of Christmas, being lead by the continual advertising and what others are doing, or not being able to say no to the children! This is an excellent time to teach them very valuable life skills – teaching them that not everyone will receive presents this Christmas, that we can’t always have what we want and there’s a difference between NEED and WANT, that often less is ok, it is about making the best choice. Also, the thing we can’t count on for next year – are all family members being present.
What I give my Mum for Christmas is quality time with me! Doing something she would find interesting and not dictated by time. This is often what children need too; time spent with you, total attention ON them. If you take them to the park or forest, everyone gets the added goodness of nature for free.
If it all gets too much you can always de-stress with a deep relaxing treatment that will work on your body and clear your mind. Look after yourself this Christmas and then others will reap the benefit of you being relaxed.